Technique Library- Med Ball Exercises

Technique Library- Med Ball Exercises

The Medicine Ball can be used for a variety of different purposes. It can be used for core, power, strength, and rehabilitation exercises. The med ball is a great tool for warm-ups as well. If you use the med ball correctly you can wake your whole kinetic chain up while developing some power!

 Below are cues with short videos to help you with your form so you can reach your goals faster with less pain! 



Counter Rock Rotational Slams Cues


  1. Stand tall with the med ball in your hands holding out front of your body
  2. Sway the med ball into your right pocket
  3. Then rotate the med ball up and over your head fast
  4. Slam the med ball on the same side you swayed the ball in the beginning
  5. Repeat other side
  6. Keep your core tight the whole time


Med Ball Slams Cues


  1. Stand tall with the med ball in your hands holding out front of your body
  2. Raise the med ball up over your head
  3. Slam the med ball down as hard as you can
  4. Keep your core tight the whole time


Monster Med Ball Shuffle Cues

  1. Stand tall with the med ball in your hands holding out front of your body
  2. Squat down
  3. Shuffle by driving your knees and feet out at the same time
  4. Use a Mini Band to hit your glutes even more!

Rotational Slams Cues


  1. Stand tall with the med ball in your hands holding out front of your body
  2. Rotate the med ball up and over your head
  3. Slam the med ball down on the other side and rotate at your hips and feet
  4. Keep your core tight the whole time


Shuffle Shot Put Cues

  1. Hold the med ball out in front of you and get into an athletic position
  2. Shuffle out fast two to three times 
  3. Drive from the ground through the ball and push it out as far as you can
  4. DONT THROW THE MED BALL like a baseball 


Side Lunge Slam Cues 

  1. Stand tall with the med ball in your hands holding out front of your body
  2. Lunge to the side and slam the ball down
  3. Push the floor away as you stand tall and catch the med ball

Squat Bear Crawl Cues

  1. Stand with your feet under your hips with the med ball in your arms
  2. Squat down and pause at the bottom
  3.  Drop the med ball and bear crawl out with your core tight
  4. Bear crawl back, pick up the ball with your chest up
  5. Push the floor away, stand tall and squeeze your cheeks


Underhand Rotational Toss Cues

  1. Stand tall with the med ball in your hands holding out front of your body
  2. Rotate the med ball and your hips away from the target
  3. Core tight rotate and toss the med ball as fast and far as you can
  4. Squeeze your backside glute and your belt buck should face the target


Up and Overs Cues

  1. Sit on the ground with your legs and a med ball out in front of you
  2. With your feet together go to one side of the med ball
  3. Then go up and over with both feet on each side of the med ball
  4. Then go up and over with your feet together to the other side
  5. Keep your spine neutral and core engaged


Woodchop Lunge Cues

  1. Stand tall with the med ball in your hands holding out front of your body
  2. Lunge forward and rotate the med ball to the outside 
  3. When you rotate out keep your core tight and your ankle, knee, and hip aligned.
  4. Push the floor away with your heel and get tall
  5. Repeat other leg