Technique Library - Bicep Exercises

Technique Library - Bicep Exercises

Suns out guns out! Your biceps assist with your pulls so it is important to take care of them. Doing too many curls with improper form can lead to shoulder injuries that can delay your fitness goals.


Below are cues with short videos to help you with your form so you can reach your goals faster with less pain! 


Banded Curls Cues


  1. Grab a band (the thicker the band the more resistance
  2. Hold the top half in your hands and put your feet through the bottom (the wider your feet the more resistance)
  3. Keep your shoulders back with your core tight
  4. Curl the band up and flex your biceps at the top
  5. Slowly lower the band (the slower the better)
  6. Let your elbow fully open up


Barbell Curls Cues


  1. Grab a barbell with an even underhand grip
  2. Feet hip-width apart
  3. Set your shoulders slightly back and down
  4. Curl the bar up and flex your biceps at the top
  5. Slowly lower the bar down through the elbow joint (the slower the better)
  6. Let your elbow fully open up


Barbell Reverse Curls Cues


  1. Grab a barbell with an even grip having your palms facing you
  2. Feet hip-width apart
  3. Set your shoulders slightly back and down
  4. Curl the bar up and flex your biceps at the top
  5. Slowly lower the bar down through the elbow joint (the slower the better)
  6. Let your elbow fully open up


DB Alternating Curls Cues


  1. Stand tall with your dumbbells at your side
  2. Curl the top end of the dumbbell up to your shoulder
  3. At the top rotate your palm up to the ceiling
  4. Slowly lower the dumbbell down
  5. Repeat other side


DB Curl to Press Cues


  1. Stand tall with your dumbbells at your side
  2. With your palms facing each other curl the dumbbells up
  3. At the top press them overhead
  4. Slowly lower the dumbbells down
  5. Let your elbow fully open up

 *Yes I know this is a combination of biceps and shoulders! 


DB Hammer Curl Cues


  1. Stand tall with your dumbbells at your side
  2. Keep your shoulders back with your core tight
  3. With your palms facing each other curl the dumbbells up
  4. Flex your biceps at the top
  5. Slowly lower the dumbbells (the slower the better)
  6. Let your elbow fully open up