Battle Lonliness

Battle Lonliness

Loneliness is a giant we all face at times. The enemy can use loneliness to grow anxiety, worry, rejection, sadness, and anger into our lives. We are not meant to be alone! God made us to worship him with other believers! “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

There are many scriptures on how others build us up. We need good-hearted Christian people in our lives to help us grow in God.


What’s God’s Purpose in Loneliness?

  1. Communication
  2. Examination
  3. Preparation


  1. Jesus went off many times to be alone with God so he can communicate with God and pray. God uses this time with him to communicate what he wants from us and where to go with his will.
  2. God uses loneliness to examine our hearts. He tests us when we are alone, and you need TO STAY FOCUSED ON HIM IN TEMPTATION!
  3. He prepares us for our calling. How can you grow the Kingdom of Heaven!


Check out this 5-minute video! I don't have all the answers but I hope this helps you fight a battle or maybe help you plant seeds in a loved one's life! Anything helps! We need good things in our lives, enjoy!