Wright Comparison Series: 260LB Set of Crumb Rubber Bumper Plates

260lb bumper plate sets comparison

Part of being in an industry that is so large is that it is very competitive. In order for us to serve our customers, we have to balance our internal cost of operations with the competitiveness of the market. This is something we believe we have excelled at locally for more than 3 decades and online for the past 3-4 years. What we’ve decided to do is pull out competitors’ pricing and specs and show how we match up.

In these comparisons, we WILL NOT use brand names. Between our values and the industry norms, we don’t feel that it is necessary to do that. Our goal in beginning this series is to help our customers through the purchase process by helping them to compare what’s on the market since many of our shoppers do that anyways. There are no winners or losers, just information.

This week’s comparison is all about bumper plates. Bumper plates are essential in a functional fitness, weightlifting or CrossFit environment. Here we found X brands that we felt comparable to our brand. We focused on brands with a specific audience towards lifting. There are no brands included from big-box retail giants.

In this week’s comparison, we used a 260lb plate set as the standard since most places carried this exact weight set. We compared pricing to the west coast, pricing to the east coast, warranty, place of manufacture, size of insert, tolerance, and material. Since some companies offer free shipping and some companies calculate shipping, we used the exact same address on the west and east for comparisons.

It’s great to go ahead and note that all of the plates have a 2” insert and that all of them utilize some type of recycled rubber (crumb rubber) in the construction of the plates.


Name Price to West Price to East Warranty for 10s &15s Warranty for 25+ USA MADE Weight Tolerance
WRIGHT 499 453 180 DAYS 3 YEAR YES -/+ 0.5
Competitor A
599 599 180 DAYS 1 YEAR YES ?
Competitor B 599 599 1 YEAR 3 YEAR YES ?
Competitor C
558 498 1 YEAR 1 YEAR YES -/+ 0.5
Competitor D
479 479 1 YEAR 1 YEAR NO -/+ 1.5
Competitor E
669 669 180 DAYS 180 DAYS YES ?
Competitor F
537 472 1 YEAR 1 YEAR NO -/+ 1.0

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