Technique Library - Chest Exercises
Pushes are awesome for you when they are done right with proper loading. The chest, triceps, shoulders and more make up a large part of your body and it is important to have a balanced body. Benching improper can lead to elbow and shoulder injuries that can nag you for the rest of your life. Below are videos and cues for all chest exercises you will find in programs now and in the future! Save this post for programs now and in the future.
Below are cues with short videos to help you with your form so you can reach your goals faster with less pain!
Bench Press Cues
- Lay down on a flat bench
- Hands even on the bar (I teach at the top of your bench to have your wrist over your elbow and shoulder. At the top your joints should be stacked, but everyone is different)
- Have a spotter help with a lift-off
- As you fight the bar on the way down try to bend the bar by squeezing your back and armpits
- Touch your chest then push away fast and extend at the top
DB Alternating Bench Cues
- Lay down on your back on a flat bench
- From the bench position control one dumbbell down slow while your other arm is extended, stabilizing the other dumbbell up
- Push the dumbbell back to the start position
- Repeat other arm
DB Alternating Hammer Bench Cues
- Lay down on your back on a flat bench
- Hold the dumbbells up in the start bench position with your palms facing each other
- From the bench position control one dumbbell down slow while your other arm is extended, stabilizing the other dumbbell up
- Push the dumbbell back to the start position
- Keep your elbows tight
- Repeat other arm
DB Alternating Incline Bench Cues
- Lay down on your back on a incline bench
- From the bench position control one dumbbell down slow while your other arm is extended, stabilizing the other dumbbell up
- Push the dumbbell back to the start position
- Repeat other arm
DB Bench Cues
- Lay down on a flat bench
- Hold both dumbbells up in the start bench position
- Control both down slow, keep your back engaged and your armpits squeezed
- Push the dumbbells away and fully extend your arms to the start position
DB Floor Press Cues
- Lay down on the floor on your back
- Hold both dumbbells up in the start bench position with your palms facing each other
- Control both down slow, keep your back engaged and your armpits squeezed
- When your elbows tap the floor then push the dumbbells away and fully extend your arms to the start position
DB Hammer Bench Cues
- Lay down on a flat bench
- Hold both dumbbells up in the start bench position with your palms facing each other
- Control both down slow, keep your back engaged and your armpits squeezed
- Push the dumbbells away and fully extend your arms to the start position
DB Incline Bench Cues
- Lay down on an incline bench
- Hold both dumbbells up in the start bench position
- Control both down slow, keep your back engaged and your armpits squeezed
- Push the dumbbells away and fully extend your arms to the start position
Incline Bench Cues
- Lay down on an incline bench
- Hands even on the bar (I teach at the top of your bench to have your wrist over your elbow and shoulder. At the top your joints should be stacked, but everyone is different)
- Have a spotter help with a lift-off
- As you fight the bar on the way down try to bend the bar by squeezing your back and armpits
- Touch your chest then push away fast and extend at the top
Moving Box Push Ups Cues
- Put a small plyo box on the floor
- Get down next to the box in a push-up position
- Do a push-up
- Then with both hands and feet in the push-up position walk up over the box
- Do another push
- Repeat
- When you are working up and over the box do not cross your arms or legs
On Off Push Ups Cues
- Put a 45-pound rubber bumper plate on the ground
- Get in the push-up position with your chest directly over the middle of the plate on the ground
- Take both hands with your arms straight on the plate
- Then take both off
- Do a push-up
- Try not to rock at the hips keep your core tight
- Think with your hands “On, On, Off, Off, Push up
Prayer Press Cues
- Grab a plate (10,25, 35, 45)
- Squeeze the plate together with your palms holding it in the middle of your chest
- As you squeeze your palms together trying to smash the plate
- Push the plate away from your chest (Keep your back squeezed and your chest big)
- Extend out then back in while keeping your palms squeezed together through the plate